3 Moons in an Orange Sky

Three moons in an orange sky.

29cm x 29cm

This small piece of atmospheric abstract art in orange, purple and green is a very moody and mysterious piece. It is full of character and takes the viewer to unknown places in their mind. The distinctive image brings up memories long forgotten.

Painted in acrylic on a wood.  It has a timber support ton back to hang on wall or it can be lent on a shelf as shelf art.

It is a very small piece of art and is perfect to fit into those places that need just a little colour or interest to make a corner of the house seem interesting.

The piece is signed on the back and is finished with a clear varnish.

Playing with Driftwood again

Ive been working on some of the pieces of driftwood from my collection in my studio. These pieces of wood are collected whilst on my daily beach walks. Unfortunately the number of pieces that I find are diminishing at the moment.  It will take another huge storm to provide me with fresh stock.

However here are my three latest pieces.

My largest Painting ever!

I have just completed my largest painting ever!  A large Abstract Triptych.Abstract Tryptich on wall

I was commissioned to paint this piece for a very large wall in my client’s living room.

The brief was that it had to be bright and colourful and large!

The final piece  (made up of  three canvases)  measures 1600 mm deep  by 350o mm wide when  hung.

After collaboration with the client, it was eventually decided to use bright oranges, lemon, purples and greens to cascade across the canvases.Abstract Tryptich close up on wall

There is a suggestion of creeks and  fallen leaves and in the background rain forest trees through a mist.

Abstract  tree roots and drooping fronds of palm berries finish off the piece.

This commission was enjoyable to complete and the client loves the work so everyone is happy!Abstract Tryptich